Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Well Do You Get Along With Your In Laws?

By Roseanna Leaton

Studies have shown that in general husbands who have close relationships with their in-laws are 20 percent less likely to end up divorced. The same however does not hold true for wives who have similarly close relationships with their in-laws; their marriages are 20 percent more likely to end up in the divorce courts.

There are many jokes made and stereotypes of the in-laws. We make jokes as a means of releasing or diverting stress. Yet truly, this is no joke. If the quality of your relationship with your in-laws can cause your marriage to end up in divorce, then it is important to re-evaluate and learn to deal with it in a more positive manner.

There are perhaps many reasons why men and women respond to in-laws in a different manner. It is suggested (and it is most likely) that women take their in-laws interaction to be more interfering and respond from a deeper emotional perspective. Men perhaps look at their in-laws in a more practical light, whereas women see from an emotional standpoint.

It may also be the case that in-laws are more inclined to proffer advice or help to a daughter-in-law than to a son-in-law. In-laws could be, consciously or subconsciously, more aware of the possibility of offending, and thus less inclined to interfere with the mantle of the "man of the house". On the other hand, they might more easily assume that their daughter-in-law would appreciate their assistance and insights.

Whatever the cause is, the facts that such studies have revealed are quite dramatic and worth thinking about. No couple wants to allow their relationship with their in-laws to come between them and cause a long-term issue in their marriage. Our primary aim in getting married is to continue to enjoy a good relationship with each other.

Thus one of the things that is relevant to creating good relationships is to find ways in which to lay good foundations for interaction with the in-laws. This might involve learning how to create appropriate boundaries or finding ways to take things a little less personally. Whatever it involves it will certainly be worth the effort so as to reduce the risk of your marriage ending up in divorce.
Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for relationships.

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