Saturday, March 2, 2013

Love Is Your Choice to Give or Withhold

By Kimberley Cohen

Who would have thought that a little four letter word could contain such magnitude and have an impact on people in ways you never knew were possible.

This word is empowering, inspiring, moving, heart warming, humbling, kind, gentle, spoken or unspoken.
The word I'm referring to is LOVE. It is one of the greatest gifts received and given.

L - Let me be an expression and leave an impression of love wherever I go.
O- Open my inner eyes and ears to truly hear and see how I can care for myself and others today.
V - Visualize from whom or where I am withholding love and ask for guidance; then be still enough to hear the whispers of wisdom of how.
E - Experiences are opportunities for me to grow and love more; therefore all happenings are a call for my full attention, especially the ones I find most challenging.
When you're feeling good, the desire to be loving and kind seems so natural. It's as if there is no other way you could be.

Love just flows with little thought or effort.
What happens though when you feel hurt, or angry, or resentful towards someone or something? What happens to your loving ways then?
What about when you feel you have been treated unfairly, or unkindly, or someone seems to not to care about you or love you; then how do you react?
Do you respond from that loving space within you? Or, do you feel the need to attack or withhold your love?

The people who you feel the most amount of negativity towards, or the situations that have your emotions escalating, or feeling stuck in, are the very ones that require attention and your love.
They are the ones that test you, your patience, and your emotions. When you feel this way, you are less likely to want to show any kind of positive movement towards them. When you do though, you are returning to love, and what an empowering and healing gift this is for you.
Loving what is doesn't mean you are condoning behaviours or what is occurring, nor does it mean you are denying how you feel; in fact, quite the opposite. What it does mean is that you are holding rather than withholding a space for love to enter however things may unfold.
This simple yet powerful four letter word allows you to be free to continue being the loving person that you are!

Love isn't a thought, a desire, or a need, it's the very essence of who we are.
If we all acted from the quiet and knowing space of kindness rather than the thought or expectation of what we believe it to be, then the world would be quite different.
You may not be able to change people or events, but you can be loving towards them. If not in your actions, then in your heart and thoughts.

When something occurs that you feel unloving about, it can take time for your emotions to settle. Remember that love is your choice to give or withhold.
Think of someone or something where you feel you are holding back love.
Write down all the ways you are currently feeling towards that person or event.
Take a few deep breaths and imagine an immense feeling of love flowing to and through you. As it does, imagine it restoring your ability to love.

What, if anything, could you now say or do in this situation? This isn't about expectations of how things will be, rather it's allowing you to be all you can be and not harbouring negativity.
Notice how you are feeling towards that person or event now.
Continue to repeat this exercise until you begin to feel lighter.

How and with whom are you sharing this heavenly quality with in your life? Where or from whom are you still withholding love?
Use these techniques to assist you in letting go of the negative emotions and returning to love.
Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique&trade.

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Kimberley is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy and Polarity Therapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in transforming limiting mindsets.
Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of unlimited possibilities.

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