Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to Let Him Know You Care Without Scaring Him Off

By Hannah E Fairfield

Are you seeing someone who makes you feel really special and you'd like to do the same? Are you concerned that your efforts to show him that you love him might make him turn tail and run? Or are you in a young relationship that you'd really like to take to the next level? Thought it can be intimidating, it is not as difficult as it may seem to show a man how deeply you care for him.

Don't Go Too Far!
Keep in mind that guys are guys! Most men are not the type to respond to mushy advances, especially in the public eye. If you're hanging out with him and his group of friends, perhaps that is not the best time to loudly declare your affections and give him a big smooch! This is not to say that you can't be doting or affectionate with him at all, but take his feelings into consideration. Guys are pretty easy to embarrass in a group, so try to figure out where he would draw the line - even if he won't tell you. If he squirms away when you try to hold his hand, he might not feel comfortable doing so at that moment. However, that doesn't mean he won't want to hold your hand later at the theater or in the cab ride home.

Rushing = Running
Letting him know that you care for him deeply and would like to continue the relationship is one thing, but pushing him into something he is not read for can be the kiss of death for a budding romance. Take your time and let the relationship develop naturally. Discussing marriage on the third date would scare any guy away! Men are typically not enthused by the idea of commitment, especially right off the bat. Let him take the reins and decide when to take your relationship to the next level, otherwise you risk scaring him off.

Pace Yourself
While you may feel like you are falling fast and hard for this guy, you may not want to express those feelings right away. Making him feel that you love him and telling him that you love him are two very different things, and the latter can have a negative response if he is not ready for something more serious than your current relationship. Show him that you love him instead of just saying it. This will help his feelings for you to have time to grow and your potential long-term romance will be better for it!

Hannah Fairfield is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

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