Saturday, March 2, 2013

Understanding What A Woman Wants!

By Saraswathi M V

The great question which many men have not been able to answer is "what does a woman want?" A woman appears to be a mystery for many men, holding secrets deep inside her heart. Husbands are often found complaining, about the inability to understand their wives even after years of marriage. So what is the reality behind this mystery that's become an obstacle in a relationship?

There are dominant women and women who are very demanding, there are wives who nag and impose their decision on husbands, but these are just a few exceptions on which a million jokes are created and circulated to mock at womanhood and satisfy the ego of men, who create an impression that women are the root cause of troubles in a relationship. Women in general are not very expressive about their feelings, they are brought up in such a way that they always think for and care about others more than themselves.

Change is the constant factor of a woman's life and post marriage a woman has to adjust to new people and adapt to new surroundings. A woman gives up everything, her home, her parents, her comfort zone, her lifestyle and her priorities to be with the man of her life. Men have it easy in this matter as there is hardly any difference to life post marriage. In the process of adjustment to an entire new world for the sake of love, there is hardly any room for personal desires. According to the society this is the norm every woman is born to conform, yet it's easier said than done.

During courtship days men go to any lengths to woo their lady- love, pamper them and give a lot of attention. Once married, men take their wives for granted and need special occasions to express love for their lady. Down the years men even forget their anniversaries and wife's birthday. When women get upset about such issues men think it is too trivial to be given a thought. Women are very emotional by nature and they invest a lot of efforts in remembering details about personal life, birthday, anniversary or the first date!

Rule No One; put some efforts to remember the special days of your life and a bunch of roses can certainly bring a smile on your loving wife's face.
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. All women are familiar with this phrase and work to improve their culinary skills to impress their husbands, but to their dismay husbands end up finishing their plates, without uttering a word.

Rule No Two; appreciate your wife for the effort she puts in to prepare a meal for you. Be kind enough to give some compliments rather than just finishing up your meal, after all cooking is an art. There should be some appreciation for work done.
Add some spark to your mundane life; celebrate all the special occasions of your life, in your style. Work towards making your wife happy.

Rule No Three; make your wife feel special. Plan a special candle light dinner or a romantic holiday on special occasions like a birthday or an anniversary. Make a card or gift her something that she likes. Show how much you care and express your love for your wife. Women love to be pampered.
In a relationship equality is very important, every wife likes to be respected and treated as an equal. Male chauvinist, who assert their superiority and underestimate women are complete turn offs. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, this is a well- known fact but at the end of the day both are important pillars that hold a family together.

Rule No Four; respect and love your wife the way she is. Give importance to her views and perspective. And most importantly give her space to grow as an individual.
A family man is a part of every woman's wish list. Work should not become an obstacle in relationships. Workaholics are less desired, although every woman dreams of successful man in her life. Every woman wants to spend quality time with her man. Love matters more than money.
Rule No Four; care and always be there, for your lady- love; in times of need, as a pillar of strength. Every woman yearns for a Knight in shining armor.

Unconditional love, care, understanding, respect, trust and honesty; these are just a few things but there is a lot more to what a woman wants. It is the mystery surrounding women that keep men constantly go crazy about them. So take some time off and rediscover the real woman in your lady- love!
Saraswathi is a budding freelance creative writing professional.

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