Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Valentine Treat

By Clariza V Inmenzo

It is exactly 7 o'clock in the evening. My phone rings and registers the call from my man... my very special someone. I hurriedly answer his call though I am a bit afraid that he might sense excitement in my voice. For a moment he did not answer so I was confounded about what he's up to. For quite some time all I can hear is his breathing and it brings curiosity out of me. Then he sighed and speaks of something, an invitation for Valentine's Day. Oh my! Isn't it wonderful?! I thought he would never ask me because we were not seeing each other for a month now. The only thing that binds us together is our cell phones and nothing else.

February fourteen. 6 o'clock in the evening, sitting in this cliquey restaurant. Yup, this is it. I am perfectly ready for our date. Honestly, our call time is 8 o'clock (haha) Am I obviously excited?! Well, one thing I believe in, it is better early than sorry. Of course my boy is not yet here since it's too early. Time passes by... one minute... two minutes... thirty... one hour... two hours... three... Oh my! People are starting to stare at me now. Do I look like a superstar or doing a scandal whatsoever?! Huh! The hell I care! I am a woman of determination! I will wait for my man... he will come... I know he will. I wonder what he's cooking. Three hours is long enough for cooking right? Calming down, I guess guys really used to surprise their woman when dating.

Heavy footsteps fill the restaurant. My heart beats faster and faster. I slowly hold my head up and look to its direction. There he is, still in a masculine frame... same face... same stand... same smell. Hmmm... well I guess nothing really changed. The jitters I feel lately has transformed into so much delight. I smiled at my sweetest, a smile that almost tear my face (could you imagine that kind of smile?!). He draws closer and closer until he reached my place. He pulled the chair and sits opposite to me. He faced me blankly (to my astonishment! Is this a man dating or what?! A blank face? He does not even hold single stem of flower. Is this a man dating or what?!) I begin asking what took him so long. He smiles and said he has just taken time to make up his mind. These words bombed my head. (Gosh! Is this an omen of proposal? Oh no! I'm not sure if I'm apt for marriage). He begins saying... "let's... let's... " (he stutters, and then he paused). Maybe he can't say it now. I do understand that it is difficult for a man to propose and get married. I saw him gasped. Then he swiftly moved his right hand into one of his pockets. (Now I'm sure he is proposing... there will come the ring. Funny... do I hear drum beats here?).
His hand comes out with a piece of paper. He handed it to me and I accept it with my hands shaking (I don't know why). While reading its contents I suddenly feel like drowning from water that I cannot see. I can hardly breathe... my heart seems to be whipped for hundreds of times (no, make it thousands).

A month without you gave me a weird feeling. The sky seems to be wide open. I can fill my lungs with air as much as I wanted. I've done things recklessly without even being bothered that someone might get hurt. I used to spend life with you before... but now I don't understand why this feeling keeps on dwelling in me. I tried to dodge from it but it hunts my soul. I found true happiness... but not in you. I know you have loved me and there's nothing I can repay you. All I can do is to treat you the way you deserved to be treated. For the past nine years I have given you what you wanted and what I think is best for you. I never asked for anything. Now for once, let me have this chance. Please give me my freedom. I 'm not asking... I'm my pleading, for this will mean my life. Let's put an end to this... because I will marry her after this.

Alas! Tears flow like a stream rushing down my face. I cannot say a single word. I faced him to see truth in his eyes. I was totally lost when I see ravenous eyes... hungry... thirsty. Now I know that he is sincere more than being serious. Without a sound, he stands up and leaves his seat. And there he goes... without looking back. He left and his shadow faded from the light. Seeing him walk away sucks my strength down to its bottom. Pain pinned me into my seat. I am in deep turmoil. Heavy cloud is above my head. But what I feel won't change anything. He won't comeback even if I cry at my hardest. My heart and my soul were set on him for nine years. For nine years he became my life. Then with just a snap of a finger everything between us is gone. The man that I loved for nine years has now bid goodbye... decided to end those nine years of us being together with just a month of being alone.

I guess this is the most memorable Valentine treat I've ever had. Our last day together has installed a good admonition in me. I'm grasping at the reality that happiness can never be tied by love, even how strong it is. It will never be enough to yield happiness out of it. Because it takes two hearts to feel love before it concedes happiness that will last... not just for nine years.
I'm grasping at the reality that happiness can never be tied by love, even how strong it is...

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