Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Science Of Love Can Make You Powerful

By Rebecca C Ness

The science of love is still not completely understood by scientists but we all know know love when we feel it. Being in love creates chemical reactions in our brain that can improve our outlook on other areas of our life as well.

The science of love include terms like dopaine, oxycotin, adrenaline, and seratonin, but really, love doesn't need to be broken down scientifically in order to feel the benefits. Still, it's interesting stuff.
Focusing on love in all areas your life, inside yourself, for your partner, or for your children will help you learn more easily, have more motivation to succeed, and basically keep your attitude positive.

It is really is true that love is everything. And that includes how you are living your life.
Here is my theory on the real science of love, without all the fancy words.
Two things:
First of all... Love starts with yourself. You can only love another if you love yourself first.
Love who you are. Love what you do. Love your life in every way no matter what. It's all you have.
Secondly... Love is a verb. It takes work. It's not like in the movies and if you don't actively 'love' it will wither and die. And once you're married, and the honeymoon is over, the work really starts!
So go look in the mirror and appreciate that gorgeous and unique person smiling back at you. You can make anything you want out of this life starting right now. Love can move mountains.

When I took a good look inside myself, I knew I had to do something I loved. I started working online,which lead me to a lifestyle that I love now. I blog daily about stuff that inspired me and have learned to get found on the internet and make sales.
If you love the freedom that being an entrepreneur can bring, you may enjoy working from your home office too.

These days, thousands of people are turning the internet to turn their passion or knowledge into a profitable home based business.
There has never been more opportunity in the history of the world than right now.
So look down inside yourself and rediscover what you love to do. Then look into your own eyes and realize that you can do anything you want if have the right tools.

And take life by the horns and live your very best life possible starting today.
Rebecca Ness is a mother, travel lover, and entrepreneur whose main goal is to you create a lifestyle you love using the internet. To see exactly how Rebecca is creating a 'work from anywhere' lifestyle visit her at

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