Saturday, March 2, 2013

Summertime and the Lovin' Is Easy

By Charles C Ames

Well no. It's not summer here. It's summer somewhere, though.
We want summer. But then it's autumn, winter, spring; before summer again. We enjoy the other seasons, but look forward or backward to our summers. The other seasons contrast, emphasizing our love of summer. We wish it were always summer. Some of us move where it is.

To Love is like that. We meet someone. We start the dance. There's an exchange as we learn about each other. Feelings deepen. We experience the joy of springtime. Everything is fresh. We awaken. Our bright new world arises. The prologue to summer is upon us. It sparkles. We're vibrant. We feel truly alive.
It's the springtime of loving. It shines as the long winter of darkness fades from our memory.

We anticipate the full bloom of summer. We don't realize the line we cross. The peak of the season arrives. Suddenly we're at mid-summer. We breathe the hot fresh air of love's greatest passions.
There are sultry days. Cooler evenings refresh us. Then autumn creeps in. Love seems suspended. Is winter really approaching? We hang onto the vestiges of summer. What's happened to our reverie? Our loving seems stultified. Winter arrives. Summer is but a memory. Was it even real?

We're empty.
It begins again. We meet someone new. Just as the seasons revolve inexorably, so does our loving.
We don't want our summers or our loving to end. Our summers won't endure. That doesn't mean our loving can't. Loving doesn't have to be cyclical. It doesn't have to build, ebb and die. It can grow, endlessly. We just have to know how it happens. Then we can make it endure.
Loving is automatic like the seasons. We're born with the ability within us. It can be affected by how we're nurtured. Nurturing can overwhelm nature. But the talent is always there inside us. It may take a special person. It may take special circumstances to overcome faulty nurturing.
Examine the loving process. What do you want? What do they want?
When boy meets girl the dance begins. She lets him know she's approachable. She's available. He begins to know her. She lets him. She helps him. She reveals herself. She also gets to know him. Knowing him reveals that he knows her.

She reveals her iniquity. She's special. She wants him to know that. She wants him to understand how she's special. This means he can care for her. He can care about her. He can cherish her. That's what she wants. She wants to be cherished.
She's open to the depth of her trust. He builds that trust. He delves into her mind. He explores feelings with her. He's logical. She's emotional. Her emotions are more in control of her actions as trust deepens.

This is the love dance. This is the loving exchange.
She wants to be cherished. He wants to be trusted. Now, do you see how loving works?
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