Saturday, March 2, 2013

Relationship Advice - Does Everyone Have a "Soul Mate"?

By Beverleigh H Piepers

We all grow up watching those animated fairytale movies where the prince rescues the princess and then they live happily ever after. We have all heard the term "soul mate", but is there really only one person on the entire planet whom you are meant to be with? For people who have not yet found their perfect soul mate, it can seem like quite a quest to scour the entire world looking for just that one person who will fit the missing puzzle piece in your life.

The truth is, there isn't just one person in the world who is meant to be yours. Each of us changes so much throughout the many phases of our life. Sometimes, we are better suited to different people during each of these phases. By focusing on the idea there is only one perfect person in the world for you, you may be passing by people who could help you along your journey in life.

There are a couple of dangers to consider when it comes to trying to find the perfect person for you. First of all, you can find yourself spending a lot of your life alone. Some people get so obsessed with trying to find their soul mate they make long lists of all of the qualities the person must have. It's like a dating scavenger hunt as they go from person to person looking for the individual who will embody all of these wonderful characteristics. The thing is, we all have a mental list of qualities we would like to see in our partner. However, it can't be thought of as a grocery list we have to check off as we go. If the person is missing one or two qualities on our list, should we really throw them aside and continue our quest?

The other danger is you are trying to get an imperfect person to live up to all of these qualities you have created. It might be worth asking yourself if you actually embody all of those characteristics as well. How perfect are you? There is no perfect person walking around on this planet today. No one can live up to the idealistic fantasies that come from looking for one perfect soul mate. That is not to say you cannot find a person who meets your needs and fills a void in your heart. However, you cannot expect them to live up to every dream you may have had about who your soul mate would be.

Learn about yourself... what makes you this way? Are destructive emotions at the heart of any problems you are experiencing looking for that special relationship? If so, maybe you need to get control of what you are really telling yourself and understand your beliefs?
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found the principles to help you get to the root causes of your crisis.

The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.

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