Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Do I Deal With Unrequited Love? Tips for Guys

By Chris G. Tyler

Unrequited love is probably the hardest kind of love that a guy can try to deal with. When you know that you feel that way towards a woman and you find out that she does not, it has the tendency to leave you feeling WRECKED emotionally. You know that you can't go on feeling like that. Guys who don't find a way to deal with this end up feeling heartbroken or bitter for far too long and that is definitely no way to live.

So, how do you deal with unrequited love if you are a guy?
1. You have to remind yourself that just because this one woman didn't fall in love with you, that doesn't indicate that no woman would.
I think that a lot of guys feel like when their affections are not returned by a woman, it somehow is an indication that other women are going to feel the same way and you have to remind yourself that this is not the case. There are women out there who might fall for you and you just have to remind yourself that one woman is not representative of ALL women out there. Even though it might seem that way right now, that's not the way that it is.

2. You can't keep thinking about her, because you won't be able to move on if you do.
So, the woman you wanted doesn't want you. What are you going to do about it? If you continue to think about her or try to find a way to make her love you, you are not letting yourself move on and in this case, that is probably the best thing that you can do. When you let go of the idea that you can somehow find a way to win her over, you open up the possibility that you might be able to find another woman.

3. Don't come out of a situation like this without learning something so you can do things better the next time around.

Now, doing things better can mean a lot of things. You might find that you need to work on your ability to make a woman feel attracted to you. You may find that you need to find more opportunities to meet women so that you don't get stuck on just one. You may find that what you really need to do is not fall so hard for a woman.

How would you like to find out how to make women feel attracted to YOU? �Go to: Love Tips for Men to find out more about what you need to do.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler.

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