Sunday, March 3, 2013

Friends Or Something More?

By Neveen Gohar

Best friends are a priceless part of our lives. They help us through the tough times and create with us the happy memories that keep us going. However, having a best friend from the opposite sex can sometimes get more complicated than the easy and predictable same-sex friendships. Because a best friend takes a lot of your time and attention, it is not a remote possibility that you develop feelings towards to him/her. Some characteristics signify that something more than friendship is going on. If you are unsure of your feelings, you might want to know what traits differentiate between having a best friend and concealing your attraction to someone behind this veil.

You can't seem to fall in love with someone else: Every day you come across many people in work, college or social events. Single persons may start getting attracted to others, even if it is just a meaningless attraction based solely on looks and first impressions. If you find yourself rejecting everyone with excuses that you know are pointless, you may be too consumed by your best friend.
You freak out if someone declares or implies his/her feelings for you: It is common and normal to be loved. What is not common is to shield yourself from all the people who love you or try to get close to you. Many people are not your type or you just can't picture dating them, but isolating yourself from everyone is not a good sign. If the only one you can really picture yourself with is your best friend, than the problem is not with others being wrong for you. It is you being in love with your best friend.

You can't picture your life without this friend for one day: Best friends usually have more than their fair share of contact. If you cannot imagine being in a relationship and having to leave all those juicy conversations because your future boyfriend/girlfriend will need most of your time, then you are probably in love.

You are curious to get closer and closer: You may exchange news about your lives with your best friend, but being curious to meet their family members, visit their at home or understand further details of their life is not normal. You may be nosy, but having these feelings of curiosity only for one specific person is not a sign of a normal friendship.

Because you can only stick to someone who makes you feel comfortable, your friend might stick around for a long time even when he/she has no feelings toward you at all. Consequently, you must never translate your friend's care for you as love. The fact that your friend reciprocates giving most of his/her time to you is not a sign of love. It may just be that you are a good friend and listener whom he/she respects. Even if there is a possibility of returned feelings, do not count on it as long as it remains implicit. If he/she is already in love with someone else, your attachment to your friend is unhealthy and will only lead to undesirable consequences. If you are still confused, take a short break from your friend with any excuse or simply lessen the talk and take a distance from him/her for a while. Be true to yourself, purify your mind and rethink whether this closeness is healthy for you.

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