Saturday, March 2, 2013

Aromas Stimulate Your Love Senses

By Sandy Giles

Aromas are in the air to awaken our olfactory sense of love. The use of a plants' oil can be very therapeutic for humans. These plant oils promote physical and psychological well-being. Oils promote health, wholeness and balance. There are oils that affect our desire for love. Oils can provide/enhance appropriate moods for love and passion. Pleasant smells work with your heart zone through the olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve is located in the upper nasal cavity mucosa. The sense of smell (olfaction) arises from the stimuli of the odorant receptors These receptors pass over the nasal epithelium. This olfactory nerve is part of the brains' cranial nerve-one center. Smells are routed to the different brain areas through this cranial nerve. The sense of smell then travels through the lymphatic system of the body.

Agents of essences affect our moods. Men seem to gravitate to the smells of the spice of cinnamon, banana bread and pumpkin pie. Vanilla is a soothing and sweet smell for both sexes. Orange blossom causes an uplift in the mood to arousal. Orange smell was used in ancient Egypt as an aphrodisiac. Black licorice such as in the good-n-plenty candies and the cocoa bean in chocolate can cause excitement in women. Lavender mixed with baby powder causes a calm, soothing relaxed atmosphere. Jasmine provides a romantic feeling while passion increases due to its' passionate floral and woody scent. The Ylang-Ylang smell adds a sensual flair along with almonds. Rose scents work directly with your heart zone.

Many ways exist to deliver these popular love scents. There is a favorite bouquet delivery system being currently used with a cube of wax containing the oil essence in a themed warmer. This warmer uses a high intensity light bulb. This type of system delivers a fragrant vapor that is released from the molten wax. Other delivery systems include scented candles, plug in devices, dried plants/flowers soaked in an oil fragrance and air wicks.

Devices containing different fragrances should not be placed in close proximity to each other. There are appropriate essences for the different areas of your home. An example would be cinnamon in the kitchen.
There are nine specific areas/rooms according to compass locations in a home. Therapuetic oils placed appropriately in your home space areas will serve to be beneficial with living aspirations including love. Aroma scents assist in balancing our seven chakras. Chakras energies are affected by all aromas, because all of our senses register within their energy zones. The heart chakra area will identify with the heart mood aromas.

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