Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love: How It Finds You

By Chantal Chahda

Four letters that gather people together, increase population, and make the world a better place.
The VERY START of it
Love is sacrifice... A saying we all know, and use during our conversations. But do we really apply it in real life? Rarely.
2012 years ago, it started when God Himself came to earth to show us how to love each other, and how to give away all our selfishness in order to support those we love. He taught us to 'love our enemies, for if we love those who love us, what reward do we get?'

Nowadays, love jumped to a whole new level where sacrifice vanished.
How so? Suppose you're a husband or a wife of three kids. You are having troubles dealing with your partner lately. Living with him or her is getting harder day by day. What do you do? No, you won't sacrifice, believe me, you won't think about your kids, your family and the love that refreshes everything. Unfortunately the minority of people live for their loved ones while the majority do everything to get their own interest.

Since the day you were born, you feel love. You feel it in the eyes of your parents, although at an early age you see them in black and white; but your heart beats each time they approach.
After some time, you grow up and love grows equally within you:
Within your sight:as you grow up, you will begin to see more clearly, recognize faces and analyse looks. For instance, you will sense the quantity of love filling your parents' eyes. At that moment, you will recognize how close they are to you.

Within your hearing: also, as you get older, you will hear rhythms and vibes that help you identify the person making them. In other words, you wills recognize your mother by the tendernence in her voice. However when you hear a tough and sweet voice, you will know it's your father approaching.
Year by year, love grows in your heart, of course if you want to. Since if you close the doors to love, you will be detoriarating progressively. And then you fall in a big hole from which no one can save you but your acceptance to loving and being loved.

Swimming across the sea of life, fighting its waves to reach the shore, there I found a sweet caring voice reminding me that love still exists.
Personally, I've passed through many ups and downs when it came to relationships. Many guys I met, many mistakes I've made, until I lost hope in finding the right guy to spend my lifetime with.
One day, my brother-in-law introduced me to 'the 15 prayers'. You can search them to know more details, but I can tell you, they have made me what I am today.

These prayers are a way of salvation to each soul that says them, and also to its relatives. They make you repent from all the sins you have committed, and help you build a new clean and powerful you. You have to pray them daily for a whole year, and the promises which God give you for praying them start along with your first day.

Therefore, I have met Joseph three months before finishing the prayers.
I met him online, then we met personally and went out together two days a week until this day. We are engaged planning to get married whenever we are ready.

Joseph has fulfilled me, supported me in everything and strengthen me when I was weak. I thank God for his presence in my life, and pray that every person asks the lord to help them whenever they lose the will to love.

Without love, you are useless, you become a heartless person with no point whatsoever to carry on... Why read this article? Just to make sure that love is still found, and it will find you. In the end, I would like to thank you for reading my article, I hope it will open a tiny room in your heart and invite you to live loving.

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