Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Do You Win a Woman's Heart - 3 Tips That Will Help You Win Her Over

By Chris G. Tyler
Let's be realistic about something right off the bat. No matter how hard you try and even if you did all of the right things, there are still no guarantees that you are going to be able to make a woman fall in love with you. She still has her own mind and you might not be able to sway her even if you feel like you have done all of the right things. Still, there are lots of things that a guy can do that will win over a woman and make you much more likely to end up in a relationship with her.
Here are 3 tips if you want to win over a woman and have her feel like you are the one she wants to be with:

1. Be a nice guy, but not too nice.
Yes, there is a distinction that needs to be made. A lot of guys go to extremes on this one. Either they are the kind of guy who will let a woman walk all over them or they are a total jerk because they are afraid that a woman will walk all over them. You don't want to be either extreme. There is nothing wrong with doing nice things for a woman and that will definitely have a positive impact on the way that she feels about you, you just don't want to seem like a guy who is being nice specifically so she'll like you, nor do you want to be a doormat for her.

2. Show her the best qualities that you have.
This really should be easy to understand why it is something that you need to do. If you want a woman to fall for you, there has to be a reason for her to want YOU and not some other dude. In order for that to happen, you want to show her the best qualities that you have.
3. Make her feel sexually attracted to you.

This is something that needs to be done. You don't want to be the nice guy that will say nice things, but NOT turn her on at all. That's what friendships are made for, not passionate relationships. A woman wants to be in a passionate relationship, so you need to know what to do to make her feel sexually attracted to you. Without that sexual attraction, your best bet is ending up in the friend zone with her.

If you really want to win a woman's heart, �then you need to know what it takes. �Go to: � Sexually Attract Women to find out more about what you need to do to make her want you.
Copyright (c) 2013 Chris G. Tyler.

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