Sunday, March 3, 2013

Do Men Like Poetry As Much As Women?

By Tim L Taylor

Women tend to love reading books on every kind of poetry from romantic to tragic. But if you look at the ones recognized for penning the most memorable poems, they come from men. So is there a contradiction looming when it comes to men and poetry? Are men really hard pressed to find words that convey their true feelings? Well, if you pay attention to poetic verses, you'll notice that something very deep and necessary is going on. It is so vital to communication that both genders fall prey to its allure. Once you realize this, whether you are male or female, you will appreciate what poetry does for your ability to express yourself. You will also be surprised that the divide between the sexes is really not that wide. First of all, you need to know that poetry is readily accepted by both sexes.

The problem comes from the delivery. If you learn your man's delivery method as well as environment, you'll discover that he is open to the same written expressions as you. Poetry has a way of bypassing the mind's reasoning and goes directly to the heart. Men do not like the parlor setting women tend to go for with poetry. It has to sneak up on them. If you make tea and play mood music to help your poem go over better, you have lost the battle already. Men like the direct approach. Any poetry that strokes his ego, he is all for it. You have to let him know he is the center of attention in your life. Not in a commitment making sense. Just that he has nothing to worry about in the way of any other man turning your head. As long as you do not ask him to respond to what you say, only listen, he will suck up every verse you give him.

Men are just as emotional as women. They may show it differently. They may share it with other men instead of you. But make no mistake about it, you can touch them at their deepest point with the right words. Poetry that keeps a man masculine at his core is very much accepted by him. He does not want to cry at the conclusion even though he may have to fight back tears because you revealed that you understand his advances. He wants to feel like going into the jungle and killing a lion and skinning it to make you a rug for your favorite room just because you told him how unique he is to you. Men want to know that their efforts are valued by you and they are in fact expressing their masculinity to you. He does not want you to expect him to get all emotional by your honesty in your feelings toward him. Men are not into sitting around reading poetry that another man wrote. He wants to hear poetry that was inspired by his act of love and appreciation toward you. He does not want to hear how some other man's words stirred you deep within your core. That's his job.
A man can be threatened by poetry written by someone other than the object of his desire. So if you present poetry to him, it has to be personal. It is best not served in a book format. Even if you got it from a book, you need to rewrite it in your own handwriting and tell him outright how you feel about him.

 I guarantee you he wont reject that. Men use words to express their feelings just as women do. They just want to feel secure in that the words he shares are for your ears only. Because they are. If you write poetry out to him from the heart, he will most likely respond in kind. If not. He will probably take the lion slaying illustration and tame it up a bit. Maybe buy you something or tell you to treat yourself to some pleasure you like at his expense. At that point, you can invite him but do not insist he come. Just show your gratitude for his gesture. If he feels he wont have to get all mushy, that will tend to make him feel more comfortable in getting mushy. You just cannot push it.
You may feel that it is a lot to go through just to get a man to divulge his love for poetry, but hey, it takes some effort on your part to keep testosterone around the house.

So the myth that men don't like poetry is just a myth. You can now go with your feelings and let your man know what your heart wants to say to him. Just make sure that you're not wanting to get him to cry but be the man that you devote only your most precious and treasured feelings to. Framed Expressions has the perfect poem gift that will have him staying home instead of hanging with the boys. Give them a try.

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