Saturday, March 2, 2013

Are We Soulmates? How to Tell If You Have a Karmic Connection to Your Man

By Angela Zoile

Is karma real? How does it impact relationships? How can I tell if the relationship I'm in right NOW is the right one... or just another short stop on finding true love, instead? Any of these questions sound familiar?
As a psychic intuitive and emotional empath, every Valentines Day we see a veritable FLOOD of questions about karma, connection, true love and the notion of spiritual soul mates... AND for good reason!
There is no better feeling in the world than knowing the person you are with is the person you'll be with FOREVER... and if you believe there is more to life than just this life, that connection extends FAR beyond this world as well.

So what IS a karmic connection anyway?
The truth is, while Eastern spirituality has preached about the idea that souls, or bodies are connected in ways that extend BEYOND the body for thousands of years, it's only been in the last few decades that many of us in the West have begun to to realize the same truth.

A karmic connection is typically thought of of as a "contract" or soul agreement between 2 parties BEFORE they enter the physical world to live together, learn from another and continue to evolve through the physical life and bring those lessons back to the ethereal realms when this life is over.
For example - in most psychic and spiritual circles, it's NOT uncommon to believe lovers are connected across multiple lifetimes, and often in interchangeable roles. (maybe you are the difficult partner in THIS lifetime... and the more agreeable partner in the next)
Some empaths and spiritual workers believe we even change gender roles in these karmic connections, so that each soul can experience what it's like to be fully embodied within the role they have in the respective relationship, so that the lessons can be fully integrated by both people.

The signs of a karmic connection?
There are a bunch:
Feelings of deja vu in certain key points of the relationship... like first meeting, first kiss, or even anniversaries or other significant special moments
An unusual assortment of circumstances that LED to the two of you meeting. Some psychics, intuitives and karma counselors believe that the "Universe Conspires" to help certain people come together... and while it may seem silly to strangers, if you've had it happen to YOU, you often know in your gut it's true.

A sense of extraordinary knowing is very, very common in spiritual relationships or karmic connections of this kind. When you just "feel" right or bonded or connected to a person very, very quickly... and you feel an incredible amount of closeness and comfort that defies how long you've actually known them.

The old adage of - "I felt right away like I had known him forever" actually originates from this idea of spiritual soul mates, and as an emotional empath myself, one of the easiest ways to SPOT a real karmic connection as well!

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