Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why You Need to Be Selfless to Stay in Love

By Janet Alston Jackson

True love is selfless.
It's a beautiful energy which knows no attachments, and doesn't discriminate.
Therefore, you can't get love, or find love. However, you can be love and that love will attract what?... A lasting love.
Many are trying to find love, but love is right where you are. It's a Divine Energy and your birthright. Why look outside of yourself?
When you cultivate the energy of love by loving everything and everybody, you will look up, and there will be your soul-mate. And, just as importantly, you'll find that you will stay in love through any challenges.

Open Your Heart
Many say they want love, even in their marriages, but they are repelling it fearing they are not worthy. Looking at these types of people, they seem to have it all together. The right clothes, the right car, the right profession, but inside their intentions are not right.
They think they have high standards for love, but really they are putting up barriers keeping potential mates away, and keeping their marriages from working.
They insist their mate must look and act a certain way. This is not love.
This is setting up conditions for your affection.

Yes, you should have values, and not accept just anyone into your life, and your mate should treat you and your feelings with respect. But, are you pushing that love away from you because your ego is so demanding?
And, can you not forgive someone? Are you holding a grudge?
Being selfless in love, is looking past your mate's flaws into their heart to stay in love.
This means looking past what society the media, your friends or family says is the right person for you, or how your mate should act.

Love between two people is a sole sacred union, not a group decision.
You can't attract love and sustain the relationship if your heart is not right because you are worried about what others think about who you are with.
True love is a spiritual energy that radiates inside of you, but only if you cultivate it with non-discrimination. You will then have a lasting love.

This poet says it best"
"When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself."
Excerpt from the poem from the book "The Prophet" ~ Kahil Gibran
Upcoming Book "Sporting the Right Attitude: Overcoming Obstacles for a Lasting Love"
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