Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to Tell If He Loves You (And the CRITICAL Life Lesson Every Woman Must Learn)

By Angela Zoile

Does he love me? Will we stay together, forever? If he doesn't... what will that do to my life? If he leaves, will I fall apart? Will my self esteem disintegrate? Will I become socially withdrawn, needy and lose my friends? And how come it's so difficult to tell what he's REALLY thinking... even though I'm so honest and emotionally available for him? Any of these questions sound familiar? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at the ANATOMY of true love... and why your happiness should NEVER ride or rest on what your man decides, regardless of how much you think it does right now. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

First, understand THIS to be true, because it is:
As an emotional intuitive, romance and published relationship advisor to hundreds of thousands of readers over the years, I can tell you that for most women, relationship "security" is a myth.
All you really need to do is watch the news for a week, no matter WHERE you live, how much money you have, or how successful you may be, to learn that men are far simpler to understand in the context of a relationship, than we are.
They are far more likely to "cheat" for purely physical, or momentary desires than a woman is. We may do it for reasons of LACK, or attention, or affection... but rarely, will women make a terrible decision for 10 minutes of potential satisfaction, if she loves her partner in the truest sense. (where men often WILL and unfortunately, DO)
With that out of the way, I believe that the signs a man REALLY loves you come as much from YOU, as they do from him.
If you look at love through the prism and perspective of a KARMIC connection (which I believe you MUST if you want to be happy and sure) you'll find that your soul knows far more than your head will allow.
When you are truly in a place, with a partner, who fills you UP and fulfills your REAL needs across the spiritual spectrum (mind, body, soul and beyond) the feelings of emotional energy, trust and karmic connection are real, undeniable and truly blissful to boot.

If you learn ONE lesson in your life, as it pertains to love, it should be THIS;
That at it's core, there is a PURPOSE and passion and pattern in every relationship you have. And that there really are NO bad relationships per se. Or bad choices. Only opportunities for you, in a spiritual sense... to move on and UP the totem pole of discovering your truth.
I believe that each of us has a singular, spiritual soulmate... who we are meant to find, and discover. And that life (and love) is somewhat empty until you find that ONE special soul who fills you up and inspires your imagination, intuition and intimate sense of being alive and awake.
When you recognize that person, you won't worry about whether he loves you, or doesn't. You'll know. And if he leaves before you can find out... it just reinforces something your intuitive heart already understood. (even if you're head tried to convince you otherwise)
To me, as a lover of love, this is the GREAT Lesson of life! (and the 1 secret I wish I had learned earlier as well!)
Warning! Does your partner REALLY love you?
Take our Live Love Compatibility Test and find out!
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